Friday, April 27, 2007

Overheard in the bagel shop

10 to 12-year-old boy: "I would like a plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese, pickles and capers."

(bagel-shop employee spends a few minutes making *sure* that is what he really wants, very nicely, until the boy's mother mentions that this is what he always orders)

Then the mother orders: "An everything bagel with plain cream cheese, please."

10 to 12-year-old boy: "You like *everything bagels*? Eeeeeew."


College Glassblower said...

you liek capers? eeeeeww...

Vika said...

Sounds like two peas in a pod with vanilla ice cream and apple cider vinegar to me!

Grendel said...

Well. . .

Everything bagels are gross. . .

College Glassblower said...

no, everything bagels are yummy!

Vika said...

Everything bagels, when taken to a Harry Potter extreme, would be gross. REAL everything bagels sorta rock. You get all the food groups in one if you put salmon cream cheese on one. (yes they make it, one of my coworkers had some in the fridge here. It was even Philly brand)

Not that I am a fan of salmon cream cheese. I prefer onion or strawberry, depending on the bagel flavor.

Last weekend Super Thin Man and I went to a cabin for the weekend for his birthday and we picked up bagels. Since he got blueberry bagels and I got chive and onion cream cheese, we were clearly on different wavelengths. Breakfast was...interesting.

Grendel said...

Speaking of the Harry Potter extreme everything. . .

Did they censor the beans for the school children?

Just wondering. . .