(I know I am normally quite informal in tone and with grammar on this blog, but do the above couple of sentences sort of read as if they were written by an eight-year-old? I thought so.)
In the past few weeks, I have finished a couple of these:

and spent far too long on the Most Boring Socks Ever. I did learn something from those socks, though--I can deal with a boring sock pattern, but I really need to like the yarn. This usually means that I like both the colorway and the hand of the yarn itself, but it can just be the hand of the yarn if I am knitting for someone who likes boring socks (a/k/a Matter-Eater Lad). I was so bored with those socks that it took me *two weeks* to finish them.
Now I am using the Summer Skin Sweet Georgia yarn to make socks for my MIL for her birthday (which is next Friday). Plus, my friend L is pregnant and in the hospital with breathing problems, so I may cast on some socks for her this weekend. She's in Florida, so what else can I really do? These will be sort of prayer-socks (like prayer shawls), except, you know, L is an atheist. Which means that I will be knitting them to make myself feel as if I am doing something to help, and there is something to be said for that. Plus, then L will have socks!
My friends and I went to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's talk at William-Mitchell Law School Wednesday (she's the Yarn Harlot--see the link on the right? She is very funny.), and I will post about that once I upload the (not very good) pictures and finish thinking through what I want to write about feminism and knitting.
Lovely little baby sweaters! Darling! I, too, will put up with 'boring' if the yarn is a treat ~ boring knitting can be great if it leaves yarn fondling as the focus. Space. Out. Knit with great yarn in st st or garter. ommmmmmm. (or yaaaarrrrnnn.)
Love your photography, btw. Nicely done.
They are very cute. Okay-I can kind of see the knitting and feminism thing...but I can't wait to hear your take on it :D
Just wanted to pop in and say hey! We met in line at the Yarn Harlot's signing. I've posted some (admittedly poor quality) photos at my blog. Nice visiting with you then - happy knitting!
I sometimes forget that people other than those who are related to you read this and occasionally post. It's nice to realize that not everyone is so snarky :D
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