Friday, April 06, 2007

I laughed and laughed and laughed.

I was just discussing knitting with one the the partners at work (his wife knits and organizes charitable knitting and he was very gently trying to find out if I would be interested in participating). I mentioned that I mostly knit for other people, because then it feels like I am accomplishing something above and beyond my own pleasure related to knitting (and buying yarn, and designing patterns, and so on, but I didn't get into that, because right now he thinks of me as being sane).

Then he said, "That makes sense. You can have too many socks, so after a while you would want to give them away."

TOO MANY SOCKS? I think he missed my point.


Witty said...

See? Even HE knows you should give some of those extra socks to your sisters!

Vika said...

Yah...Christina has 9 siblings. She's NEVER going to run out of knitting projects :D

Anonymous said...

Hah! Too many socks? Rolling around on the floor, laughing.
So proud of you for not doing the same in front of him.

Vika said...

Oh, and Christina is also in awe of the sock-making. She feels certain that she won't progress to socks bc she doesn't have the patience, and is currently involved in hats, shortly to move on to shawls. I think that it's just a matter of time, really :D

College Glassblower said...

hehehe...too many socks...

speking of kinting, when are you going to make ME new socks? the ones i have are actually wearing out because i wear them so often...

Vika said...

Wow, it's pretty quiet around here recently. Everybody still on holiday?

Grendel said...


It's quite. Too quite.

No wait for the dinosaur to leap out.

Grendel said...


Now. I meant now.

Vika said...


Grendel said...


Do you really want to be indentified as a dinosaur? :)

College Glassblower said...

yes, well, vika is not exactly 100% quick on the uptake...

Vika said...

If I was I'd want to be a raptor :D

I was just chiming in, that's all!

I'm ignoring that last comment, CGB.

Vika said...

Khakassia! Doesn't that make a fabulous warcry?

Grendel said...


I don't know. Just doesn't sing.

Vika said...

It's almost like Kick-assia, which is just funny.

College Glassblower said...

if you didn't ignore it, i would be surprised...