for Matter-Eater Lad (ok, I finished them last night, but I am not quite over the boring-ness yet), to let all of you know about this amazing program in Minneapolis. Museums! For free! What a great program!
I am also admiring my Sweet Georgia sock yarn:

wow yeah those are utterly boring... but i am sure matter eater lad will love them! they do look extraordinarily comfy and fuzzy warm...
Ooooooo....pretty yarn....are the blue ones for me? (kint, kint)
Changed my mind - I want green ones because I want socks from dragon yarn :)
dragon yarn? I would pay real money to watch a dragon shearing. Emphasis on WATCH...from a safe distance :D
I, in an oh-so-surprising statement, really like the merlot.
Dragon shearing?
It's not so much the shearing that's a problem. It's gelding the dragonlets (or whatever one calls baby dragons. . .)
AHHHH! Poor dragonlets! (i think that is the 'official' term...i think)
Poor gelders. Talk about (ahem. Wait for it.) Great balls of fire. . .
Oh, my. I walked RIGHT into that one. Maybe that explains (natural) red hair-those with red hair are actual descendants of dragonlet gelders, and it evolved as some weird defense against the...ahem...fiery ones.
Eek. No wonder it's the rarest hair color.
Dude, changed my mind. Black Orchid all the way-hey, those folks sure know how to market their wares with the cool names :D
Oh, and did you hear about the Smithsonian audit scandals? They might be free all the time, but they've got other issues!
toss up between the dragon, the viola, and the blue steel, not necessarily in that order, though i do like the dragon, but i would have to see it in person.
I like the firefly, too. Did you see the saffron on the website? LOVE it!
Maybe I should take up knitting once I finish my degree...
Okay, total aside: how do you get the photos and videos to show up as part of the post?
was wondering the same thing...
What is this, an a la carte menu? Please note that the yarn is currently not being dyed--that is, what I have is what I can get. And that is *spoken for*. :) If I could get more, I would have some "Slayer."
For your edification, here are some more small dyers:
who *are* currently producing. Also, here (which is a bit less small):
Asa long as we are kinting, these are always good places to get, you know, yarn for me, as well as places from which I can get yarn to knit for you.
Also, Vika? Tons of grad students knit (probably less with hand-painted yarns, though). If you are good at it, you can knit simple things and study *at the same time*.
Yeah, but since I don't know how, I'm obviously not good at it. Besides, I hope to be finished pretty soon.
For the record, I wasn't kinting that time, just admiring.
And I still wanna know about how you post pics. :D
I was totally kinting. And you totally knew it was coming - from all of us!!! :)
um, i was admiring colors on the website... i figured yarn you bought was spoken for or would be soon, it generally is... but if you want to take it as kinting BE MY GUEST!
I must say, something about seeing MELs hand-knitted-sock-clad foot is tickling me. I don't know why the pics of people's feet in your socks strike me as funny, SWMBO, but they do :D
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