Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Good Thing

Today, New Hampshire approved civil unions. Well, you know, except for the actual signing, but that is expected to go off without a hitch.

*****Edited to add*****

What I find the most interesting is the stark illustration of the same information garnering completely opposite reactions. From the WaPo article:

"Nevertheless, opponents of same-sex marriage look at what is going on in New England and express growing concern. 'The more states that do this, the less radical and more plausible the idea may appear in others,' said Peter Sprigg, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council."

My reaction? EXACTLY.


Vika said... more small step towards granting civil rights to everybody!!!

Witty said...


Anonymous said...

Heh, heh.

College Glassblower said...


Grendel said...

What I love is the insistence that if marriage is a religious institution, then doesn't that mean that the State shouldn't be sanctioning it at all? Leaving the whole thing to be governed by contract law.

Have whatever ceremony you want, the only thing the State should care about is whatever contract is signed. "Marriage" is just a convenient term that pre-defines a lot of the terms.

Vika said...

Ahhh...the fiction that religion and state are truly separate in this country exposed!

Grendel said...


More reason's I should be elected god-emperor. Personally, I don't think the current adminsistration is doing a good job. It's a real argument for term limits. :)

Vika said...

Yup-I recently got on a conservative action group's email list so that I can vote for whatever it is they're protesting (usually relating to civil rights for the GLBT community)

Grendel said...

I once let a republican party fundraiser talk to my tv for an hour. . .

Vika said...

I'm getting these near-daily emails now about how I should be helping them stop the awfullness of ~gasp~ passage of laws meant to protect the rights of the GLBT population. The Horror.