Monday, April 16, 2007

A sign that I might have a problem.

I had a long day at work. Loooong. I got home to find out that the sock yarn that was shipped to me a week ago *still* hasn't arrived. I am generally cranky. I don't have time to go to the gym tonight like I had planned. I am working on the third re-knit of the first sock in the current pair I am knitting.

The solution? I ordered some sock yarn.



College Glassblower said...

if only that would make me feel better... that was pretty much how bad my day was...

Vika said...

Neat :D I watched a crappy movie and then continued to read about a cranky 17th century guy from Aleppo dealing with a Russian winter before the age of radiator heating. Which is kind of fun, actually, he describes how the wine in the communion chalice had to be heated right before the blessing so it wouldn't be frozen. ~snicker~

Grendel said...

Seems like that shows a lack of faith on the part of the church. . . Kind of like putting a lightning rod up.

Witty said...

I'd recommend a large glass of wine to go with the knitting:

Grendel said...

Actually, aren't you supposed to have two glasses of wine a day?

Vika said...

In Europe they say that half a bottle a day is the healthy amount. I like Europe.

Emma said...

Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do!

College Glassblower said...

we all know you like europe, vika... LOTS of wine and other alcohol...

Vika said...

too right, emma :D

hey, what's wrong with europe? wouldn't go to russia right now, but hey, that leaves a lot of europe to wander around in :D

Grendel said...

C'mon, there's nothing wrong with Russia that spending several years building up a resistance to polonium powder wouldn't fix.


College Glassblower said...

inconceivable! and i did not say there was anything WRONG with europe, you just like it a lot because of the...ahem... alcohol...(runs other direction laughing ass off)

Vika said...

what? I can get alcohol here-I' in other direction laughing ass off)

College Glassblower said...

yeah, that would be funny if i actually drank like at all... don't need to to have fun (simply runs off in other direction)

Witty said...

CB - There is something sadly lacking in your college education.

Grendel - Glasses ? Crap...all these years I thought it was bottles.

Vika said...

Agreed, witty. On both counts :D

College Glassblower said...

no, actually there is nothing lacking in my eduacation... i tried and i didn't like, therefore i don't.

College Glassblower said...

though i probably will next semester... the whole thing with the roommate kind of prevents it at this point... plus i am joining a sorority next year, so i guarantee that i will...

Grendel said...

We're still talking about booze, right? I mean, sororities and all. . . :)
(Sorry! Ouch! Stop hitting!)

Oh and it depends on the size of the glass. Plus, if you keep refilling it before it's empty, you've technically only had one drink. . .

Witty said...


Witty said...

Previous comment was directed at CB.

Grendel - once again I must say I like your thinking...

Vika said...

I thought that was standard thinking-it's not 'new' unless all the 'old' is completely gone, This actually technically means that it's still 'one glass' unless you wash the glass, but most people don't take it that far. That would be like saying the boat is still the same boat even if you replace all but one plank of wood.