The pattern is, I believe, the beaded rib from Knit Sensational Socks (no time to get all linky today).
I also picked up some Fleece Artist that The Yarnery brought by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's talk. One skein was the moss or fern colorway (too busy to look it up), very pretty, kind of what I think of as dragon green. Then my friend, who has a dragon thing, got sick, and I discovered that Child's First Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks looks very much like scales. I therefore made my friend dragon socks. For various reasons I had to frog the first sock twice before I liked how it turned out:

I haven't uploaded the finished pix yet, but you get the idea.
You know how I was bemoaning the lack of cherry blossoms in my vicinity? Sundara (search for Sundara yarns, she comes up) dyed this as a limited edition in April:

Cherry Blossom yarn!
It made me very happy.
Now you're just teasing us ;D
yeah, vika's just jealous because she did not get a surprise sock package! honestly, i did not care that they were used, i just wanted some SWMBO socks... and yes, SWMBO's MIL has teeny tiny feet because she is a teeny tiny woman.
There aren't cherry blossoms down there yet? Things are budding here, I'd have thought there'd be blossoms there. . .
Cherry trees don't live in this climate. There *are* budding trees now, though--just not at the beginning of April, which is when I was complaining.
Now, that's just not true. :) There are cherry trees in Bayfield, and there are even some kinds up here.
Not the type of Japanese cherry trees I am talking about. They only live up through USDA zone 5. The others are very nice, but not quite the same. I should have been more specific. :)
The magnolia trees around here aren't what I am thinking of, either. :)
Yay! You finished your MIL socks! I really love that green Fleeace Artist yarn too - what a thoughtful gift! And I'm glad you got some cherry blossom yarn - beautiful stuff!
Pretty colors!
Please tell me you had to look up the zone map for the trees. If you have it memorized I think I'll just give up now and fill my gardens in with rocks.
I did know if off the top o f my head, but only because I wanted to plan some. And when you live in Zone 4a, you tend to be very aware of what will survive the winter and what will not.
yeah, that i can understand, if you had just known it for no apparent reason, i would have suggested that you get another hobby...
Ah, just burn a few more drums of crude oil. 5, 10 years tops and there'll be plenty of cherry trees living through the "winters." Of course, as the traditional habit of the continental interiors, the whole place may be a desert. . .
But think of the lovely cacti you'll be able to grow.
As long as they can be fermented into tequila, I'm all for it.
Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up!
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