I learned how to knit toe-up socks! The pattern is Oktoberfest, knit on US1 DPNs. I did fewer leg repeats than the pattern calls for because I was running out of yarn. Next time I might go up a needle size for the ribbing--it is a little bit inflexible. It is fine once the sock is on, but it is hard to get the sock on.

Happy Brithday, M.!
"Toe up?"
"Visual joke?"
Huh? There's another lolcat that would fit here, but stupid no posting pictures in comments. . .
The other socks that I have knit were started at the cuff and worked downward. These were started at the toe and worked upward.
"Visual joke." Come on. You know what I mean. :)
Perhaps I'm just having an incredibly dense day (always a possibility) but no. . . not even after staring at the pattern for minutes. . . Perhaps I'm trying to be too subtle or something but nope, went right over my head.
The socks are a beer.
Lol. Okay, I see it now. :) In my defense, I rarely drink beer that's that light colored.
Also, the pictures aren't that great.
Plus, with all the comments by your sister, that wasn't the direction I was going in at all. :) I kept trying to think what on earth could possibly be in the pattern and just wasn't seeing anything. I suppose I feel somewhat good about that. . .
Thanks again! :-D
Teehee! I corrupted him.
They are, indeed, a delicious visual joke. I had to look back at the name to understand it, though.
I've been corrupted. Not, as they say, bloody likely. :)
Although I may never look a socks the same. . .
What, you're going to have an overwhelming urge to get a drink every time you see socks? So, does that correspond? For instance, if you see pink socks, will you now crave vodka/cranberry or a cosmopolitan? Or white socks with a green pattern-mint julep/mohito?
One could make this into a very elaborate drinking game.
Hmm. You know you could, although, no, the drinking wasn't really the new problem with socks. :) I always feel like having a drink. (Hey, I'm very stressed. All the time.)
And definitely the vodka cranberry or mohito (I don't think it's a gay drink. . .)
What about black socks? And how does tequila get involved? If they're old socks does one have to drink a correspondingly aged liqour?
This could be a very in-depth analysis of socks and their liquor-related equivalent. Yes-I think that if you see someone with old brown socks that indicates that you must drink an aged single malt scotch, but if they're new it has to be J.W. Black Label.
Good tequila is clear-no problem! Anytime you see a chick in sheer hose you're good to go. Also, if it's bad tequila, it's caramel colored-this would either be nude hose or unwashed socks.
I tried that game. . .
The doctors say I should make a full recovery providing a liver transplant becomes available. Maybe I shouldn't have gone to the bar across from a Victoria's Secrets. . .
(My liver hurts. . .)
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