Monday, August 20, 2007


No love for Barry and LeVon?


Vika said...

I keep thinking that I should watch the video, but we don't have flash player at work and by the time I get home I don't want to even see a computer. Therefore I refrained from comment.

I was going to make a snarky comment about 5 kilos of nutella and craving onions and ice cream, but there's plenty of time for that :D

Grendel said...

Oh really? Well, I might start the snarky comments right away if that were the case. . . :)

Vika said...

How about nutella on steak, had a craving for that one yet? :D

Or....hmmm....lemmee think....nutella and garlic? Nutella and...dammit, nutella goes well with too many things.

Grendel said...

Corn on the cob?
Used in place of whip cream? For, you know, whatever one uses whipped cream for. . .Although with no nitrus oxide propellant, I suppose that limits the replacement value.

Vika said...

Whipped cream replacement?

I feel like that's probably been done.

Vika said...

$240 worth of pudding.

Witty said...

I love Barry and LeVon. Haven't watched the video yet, but I thought I'd throw that out there anyway ;)