Thursday, August 09, 2007

Oh, my.

Did Stephen Colbert design this license plate?

I am all for not surrendering patriotic symbols to insane conservative people (please note that I consider this a subset of conservatives as a whole--I may not agree with them on most issues, but that doesn't make them evil or crazy across the board). This license plate is kind of sickening. I think it is the desert camo background that sends it over the edge. How many people who get this plate will have ever worn camo to anything more dangerous than a backyard cookout?

I should perhaps note here that *I* have never worn camo, much less in a defending-my-country sort of situation, except my pink camo neoprene shoes, which really, really don't count.


Vika said...

I think it's the pompous use of the watchful eagle that disturbs me most.

That and my new brother in law admitting last weekend that one of the appeals of possibly moving to Oklahoma for him and his family would be that if Hilary and Bill 'get back into the White House' and, obviously, the terrorists destroy Washington, they'd be safe.

Since he's nice enough when you don't mention religion or politics, I just smiled awkwardly and changed the subject.

He'd LOVE this license plate.

Kate said...


Major, successful terrorist attacks on US soil during the Clinton administration? 0

Major, successful terrorist attacks on US soil during the Bush administration? Right.

Tell me again how we are safer now.

Vika said...

Which is rather my point, but I tried talking to him once, and it was...unfruitful for both of now sister in law had to break it up. Nicely, but I think she was close to pulling out the big guns. STM had to help her. Apparently his family has a tendency to marry very stubborn, opinionated people.

Not that I'm stubborn or opinionated :D

One does have to wonder how much of the reason for the lack of attacks during Clinton's era is due to his skill in the international political arena and how much is due to his uncanny ability to be NOT hated virulently by most of the rest of the world.

Between the shrub and VV Putin all of my fellow Masters students and I should have jobs for a long time to come.

Kate said...

I am not sure that the two points you make about Clinton are *different* points, if you know what I mean.

If I ever end up talking to your BIL about this, I am going to have to pull out the "worked 2 blocks from the White House on 9/11/01, walked home, joined the Pentagon workers walking home after crossing Key Bridge, everyone on the street ducked when a military plane flew overhead, we were all sure the city was going to be bombed any old second, LIVED IN DC ON 9/11 card, aren't I? Because it doesn't have anything to do with anything in this argument, but since his views are not based on *reality* (I will point out here that I often think the dems screw up, too--that's what happens when you look at non-Fox-news facts and *think* about them), logical arguments don't have a lot to do with it, do they?

Vika said...

Oh, I fully admit that the two points are very closely linked.

I haven't brought that whole "coulda lost a sister and an aunt on 9/11" thing up yet. He'd probably just say it supported his point somehow.

Some cousin I'd never met before got thanked by them (SIL and BIL)for standing up for our country. I still have no idea which branch of the service he was in, but now I know he served. Funny, he didn't seem too keen to talk about it.

Kate said...

Also: what is it with my sisters marrying into families where the in-laws are super-conservative?

Kate said...

People who have actually served tend to be more circumspect about it. The same way that people who actually are poor tend not to talk about money and not having it the way that people who *feel* poor do.

But also? The guy/girl who served? Within reason they get to say whatever they want, in my book. On either side. It's not quite that I think they are more entitled to an opinion in general, but at least they aren't being whiny hypocrites who would suddenly be against the war if there were a draft.

Vika said...

I think the super-conservative thing is a blog entry unto itself.

Grendel said...

I'm all for a draft. . . More people involved in a way = greater chance of someone being hurt/killed.

However, more people in a war = less chance of me, in particular being killed. Of course, I'd also round up the children of every politicion who votes for a way and induct them automatically and preferably into front line combat units. I think Jenna, Barbara and Chelsea would look good in the new uniforms. :)

Kate said...

Now would be a good time (since he won't do it) to point out that Grendel used to be in the Army Reserves. He was actually called up in relation to this war--but luckily, he was called up to be sent to England to replace troops being sent to Iraq. My understanding of it (and feel free to correct me) is that Bush's careless use of the troops is a major part of why he didn't re-up when his term was over.

Grendel said...

Part of it. :) And I don't know that we were replacing troops going to Iraq, just that the Air Farce sucks. :)

Vika said...

This is the point where I change th esubject to the image I had when I read the bit about SWMBO's pink camo shoes.

Which then morphed into SWMBO wearing pink camo. Which is even funnier considering that SWMBO rarely wears pink at all, and when one adds a Rambo-style pink camo headband and Operation Petticoat pink M16 into the mix.

Kate said...

Dude, just the shoes. And actually, just the soles of the shoes.

Grendel said...


But yes, that's what I thought of too. Sadly, they do make such things as pink camo (ends up looking something like neopolitan ice cream) but only in the old pattern. I don't think the new style has made into the urban outfitters yet. :)

And instead of Operation Petticoat, I think of Night of the Mary Kay Commandos. :)

Vika said...

Oh, man, I'm at work. It was a TASK trying not to lol after reading that. Good thing I wasn't drinking Samer's Klatchian coffee, or I would have snarfed all over my keyboard. (um, read my blog.)

Mary Kay Commandos. Classic!!

Grendel said...

More classic than you might think. . . Let's just say I don't mean to imply anyone involved is a penguin, or a burnt-out cat. . .

Kate said...

Dude, *I* got the reference! :)

Grendel said...

Well. . . I was going to say "your older sister probably gets it. . ."

But then I couldn't remember for sure what the heck order y'all are in.

I did, though figure you got it. The reference that is.

Kate said...

I am older than her. And College Glass Blower.

I am younger than Witty.

Vika said...

Must admit, I had missed that particular reference.

Other than CGB, we are only two years apart from one another, so if you haven't seen the three older ones all together in a room or know us from way back when, it's understandeable that you would have trouble. Via internet is pretty tough.

Grendel said...

That's all right. If I could've worked in some reference to the Starchair Enterpoop, I'm sure everyone would've been on board.

(Set course for Playful Bikini Girl planet, Sulu. . .)

Vika said...


Grendel said...

And getting back on subject, I have worn a camo thong. . .


/eye bleach anyone?

Vika said...

Hah, I'll one up you--I've SEEN a guy wear a thong.

Now that required brain and eye bleach.

Grendel said...

Oh, many people saw. I did a fire mission (guards, thingy, with an artillery piece) wearing helmet, combat boots and the thong. Kept the officers away from our gun for a loooooonnnnngggg time.

Vika said...

Yours was camo, not black lace, at least it was opaque.

NOW you'll need brain bleach.

And now my sister is going to ban me from her blog.

Sorry about that.

Grendel said...

Lol. :)

I don't know. . . Depending on what was underneath the wrapping, maybe the present was better for less covering. . .

Okay, I just made myself throw up in my mouth a little. . .

Vika said...

Part of me is hoping SWMBO hasn't, and won't read these.

Yeah, right.

Witty said...

Kate said...
Also: what is it with my sisters marrying into families where the in-laws are super-conservative?

Can't speak for anyone else, but when I met someone who I loved I didn't think that checking to see if his relatives' religious beliefs, opinions, hobbies, favorite books, musical taste, or favorite movies matched mine really mattered.

They don't bother to preach to me and I don't bother them with logic. This means that, with the expection of one family member, we can all get together as a family and have a relaxing and fun time. In fact we look forward to spending time together whenever we cam, with that one glaring exception.

Considering most people seem to dread any time spent with thier in-laws, I consider myself very lucky, and I'll gladly overlook a few weird remarks about cursed snakes in order to be together as a family. Because that really is more important than anything else.

Witty said...

On another note: I, the oldest, did not get the MK Commandos reference. But I did laugh very hard when I looked it up.

Witty said...

Sorry - I'm behind (HA!) on this - Grendel: I can't find a good picture of it, but this is what you made me think of:

Kate said...

Dude, no judgement on the in-laws. Just a random comment. :)

Grendel said...


As much as I'd like to look that Mr. Gyllenhaal, I'm a afraid not. :)

Probably more like Sarge. From Beetle Bailey.

Emma said...

Wow, I haven't seen that one, and I live in Oklahoma. Where, it must also be said, one can select a "Choose Life" option for your tag as well.