Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And this is just a minor reason why I kind of hate people.

Also, it is why I live in a city, but I don't want to paint all suburbs--or people who live in them--with the same brush.

Guys? If you live in a suburb where sidewalks are even a possibility, you already don't live in a pastoral setting. Deal with it. I also understand that some neighborhoods have so little traffic that sidewalks really aren't an issue; that's a different situation.

I hear all of the arguments against sidewalks in this article--I am just kind of appalled by them. For instance, go ahead a bring up how senior citizens will shovel the sidewalks. All of the places listed here are places with huge lawns and large driveways. How are those same seniors coping now? Those driveways aren't shoveling themselves, you know. And that picture? Are we supposed to feel bad for this woman? (That said--eight feet is too wide for a sidewalk.)

I am also appalled by the city residents around here who don't want to have to maintain the bike trails and parks, just to be even-handed. What the hell is wrong with you people?

I should also mention that should Matter-Eater-Lad and I ever move to a city in which we need to live in the suburbs, sidewalks will be a minimum requirement for us.


Grendel said...

Ah yes. :) I agree; suburbs are just horrible. Life in the city or not.

I may put a sidewalk on the edge of our "yard" just to see if it attracts pedestrians. The trebuchet, of course, will already be sighted for the middle of it. . .

Witty said...

If you kind of hate people, why do you live in a city? Wouldn't it make more sense to live in the middle of nowhere? Of course I'm not sure that sidewalks would really make sense then...

Kate said...

Dude, you have *far* more privacy in a city than in the average suburb. In a city, people tend to mind their own business. There are also downsides to this, but given that urban/suburban are far more often options than actual rural--especially if one wants to be anywhere near one's job--I'll take what I can get. And at some point, that may be a suburb. With sidewalks.

Grendel said...

Yeah, Cities are much more private in 'burbs, though they're private in that "huh, you're being murdered. . . Oh well, not my business" kind of way. :)

I prefer just straight isolation, sitting on the deck with a banjo and a gun. Keeps bible thumpers away. :)

Witty said...

Grendel - I'm glad you said it because I was debating whether to bring that up.

The bottom line is there are good and bad aspects of any place you live, and there are stupid, whiny, self-centered, ignorant people any place you live too.

If that wasn't the case, we'd run out of things to talk about pretty fast :)

Grendel said...

Ayuh. No problem.
*spits into spittoon*

(no, not really.)

Kate said...

Well, right. And I think that's clear from the first sentence of my initial post. I hate *the people in this article*, not suburbs in general.

Kate said...

And dude, I talk about stupid, whiney city people in the post, too. Other people's comments aside (Grendel, I'm looking at you:) ), this isn't an anti-suburbs screed.

Grendel said...

Well. . . I hate the suburbs, though not necessarily the people in them. :) Of course, I hate people in general too, just not very many person's in particular. :)

C'mon, with pessimism, you're either right, which is nice, or pleasantly surprised. Also nice.

Grendel said...

(after noticing being stared at, quietly checks fly. . .)

Vika said...

Must say, the thing I find most repulsive about the suburb-type area where we live is when people buy a perfectly nice, but small house on a property of a decent size for the small house. Then they tear down said small house and attempt to build tyhe largest possible McMansion type monstrosity on it, thus overpowering their entire property and their neighbors as well. Looks horrible.