Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The answer is not 42.

The question is: how many women in a family are too many? The answer is: 5. Too many women. I am not sure which I would give back, though. Still, too many women. Too many crossed signals, too many opinions, too many women. To be fair, if some of them were men, I am not sure that would make it better.

That is all.


Vika said...

Tori says: Sigh.

Grendel said...

lol. Actually, a good ha, ha in a Nelson voice.

It is better with men. Boys just play video games and make fart jokes, men just drink in silence.

Vika said...

It did get a bit ridiculous when we found out that even the iguana who was a memeber of the household for 12 years was a girl...ahem, two years after I'd named her Pedro, but you can't win them all :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, when you have five very different, very dominant personalities, and some people whom are, er, a lot disorganized, things get messed up...btw, what are we talking about with this? i mean which incident of course, i just want specifics...