Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eight years

Eight years ago today, right about now, Matter-Eater Lad and I were getting pictures taken by the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. We had been married for less than two hours.

Our families and our best friends were there, too, along with some Japanese tourists who were very nice.


Emma said...


College Glassblower said...

those tourists were really nice... and SO EXCITED that they got to see a REAL AMERICAN WEDDING and got to take pictures with the bride and groom... congrats big sis...

Grendel said...

Congrats. :)

And nice drama shot. Kind of like "The Triumph of the Will" only, you know, without the hate. Or flags. And with kissing.

So I guess actually not much like it at all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I remember that they started by taking pictures of the flower girl (and by extension, me, since I was taking care of her) and then it evolved into getting all of the wedding party into the tourists pictures. Very funny!!

College Glassblower said...

um, no tori- i was taking care of her... but yes, they thought she was adorable... and it was a REAL AMERICAN WEDDING! they thought that was great...