And lots of socks:

Snicket Socks, Dream in Color Smooshy, Some Summer Sky

Dragon Dance Socks, STR club socks

Bellatrix Socks, Sophie's Toes Sock Yarn, Crushed Velvet

Fawkes, Cherry Tree Hill Supersock, Sugar Maple

Salto, Dream in Color Smooshy, Wisterious.
There were others, too. But I don't have pictures of those.
I have more socks on the needles and more non-sock knitting to do, but people keep needing socks, plus they are good for commuter knitting, so I suspect that I will mostly be knitting socks for some time.

How do you get the threads between the rows of knitting?
dropped stitches.
Hmm. I don't quite get it. . . I can sort of see it, but I'm not sure of the mechanics. I'd go nuts trying to work with yarn that fine anyway. :)
Dude, it is sport-weight yarn. You really do have a bulky yarn thing. :) What you are seeing is what is left over from a run, like in a stocking. I dropped the stitches, and where they had been they left extra yarn in each row. In this pattern it is a little more complicated than that because it is knit on the bias rather than being rectangular, but that is essentially it. If you were to knit a scarf, and right before you bound off you dropped every, say, 10th stitch, you would get a similar effect.
plus, v totally loves the fawkes socks... she tries to chew on them... but she tries to chew on everything so....
also, you teach/show me actualy sock knitting @ christmas... because scarves get old... and other than the blanket i want something to do... something NOT FLAT would be nice...
and, just to completely show how scattered i am lately, a third comment- you finished V's sweater! and it's so pretty! yay!
Sure, I can show you how to knit socks. Also, there is a good, basic explanation in a book I have, so I will give you the info. Socks make a really great portable project.
Bulky yarn goes quicker.
And okay, but once you drop the stitches, do you have to add them back in on the next row somehow?
Ignoring for the moment whatever the hell knitting on the bias means, unless it means your knitting just doesn't like certain people. . .
'Cause that'd just be wrong.
You have to do a yarnover if you want the next row to not bunch up, but you don't *have* to add them back.
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