Saturday, August 23, 2008

2:32 AM CDT, Or: Ways to Confuse the Baby

I always bring my phone in and put it next to the bed--I use it as my alarm--but last night Matter-Eater Lad set his text alerts to the most annoying ring he could find and brought his, too. That meant that at 2:32 AM when we both got the text about the Biden pick, we were WIIIIIIIDE awake (most annoying ring EVAR). Since we are both nerdy political junkies, this meant that we both got up and flipped on MSNBC to see how the press was reacting to the choice. We were up anyway, so I grabbed the baby to feed her, since that meant that she would sleep later in the morning, which I figured we would want. Actually, the most amusing part of it was watching the media speculate on how everyone would be ticked because the story leaked and the text messages still hadn't gone out. This was half an hour after we received ours.

1 comment:

College Glassblower said...

yes, you are confusing your child... poor V...