Friday, August 08, 2008

Argh. Shoulders and arms hurt.

Too much Wii boxing kayaking.


Anonymous said...

So...I assume it has arrived?

College Glassblower said...

you better be kayaking!

Kate said...

It HAS arrived. Plus the Wii Fit I tracked down online (there are sites that will track whether it is in stock for you). Very much fun!

Witty said...

For a second I was all excited thinking there was an unlockable section with kayaking!

Then I realized that I've unlocked all the levels.

Alas, I guess I'll just have to take my actual kayak to the actual lake that is just down the road from me...

Grendel said...

Oh no, I hope there's not going to be some semi-embarrasing video on the youTube. . .

(no, I'm not going to find the link for the wii Fit girl.)

College Glassblower said...

well, yes you should take your actual kayak to the actual lake... the actual lake is 5 minutes from you! for both of you!