The colors really are tie-dyed.
I fooled around with the cuffs, but I am still not totally happy about how they work--I did three rows of garter instead of the ribbing, which generally works better, but rolls. I may just need to do more garter for the cuff next time--this time I was worried about running out of yarn again.
those are totally fun fun fun! say, when are you going to make me more socks? (run and hide from SWMBO glare...)
So, just for the record, those flame-colored wool socks you made that I inherited bc I have the smallest feet are really nice, and (readying myself for the ridicule here, but this is true) they are perfect to wear with my Medieval Estonian garb, as they are hand knitted wool. As is the hand-knitted scarf, though red alpaca probably wouldn't have been around in 12th c Tallinn...ah, well, I can fudge a bit :D I'll post some pics from Spring Break in the woods-turns out that outfit is really great for below-freezing temps.
you are such a loser tors...
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