I found this pattern a couple of months ago, and I wanted to make it.
Shut up.
I am a total fangirl, but also, see how pretty the pattern is? And I have stupidly sensitive skin, so I have to wear gloves or something much later that most people do, so they are very practical for me. Also, I decided to make it from stash yarn. I had some Frog Tree Alpaca that I thought would work nicely. Alas, it was too fuzzy to show off the lovely cabling. I was not willing to do all of that work if it was not going to show, so I decided to make the pattern without most of the cabling:

They came out pretty well. HOWEVER, remember that stupidly sensitive skin? Even though these were made of alpaca, they seriously scratched my skin, especially on the back of my hands. So I donated them to charity and began again.
This time I bought yarn for the project--after some poking around, I decided upon RY Classic Silk & Wool DK. It is soft yet provides a nice definition, and it is smooth so it doesn't scratch. Also, this time I worked the pattern more or less as written:

I have also been working on various socks and designing another pair of handwarmers, but I have finished these two projects recently:

a long, thin Colinette slip-stitch scarf (two of them, actually),

HAHAHAHAHAHA! tori may have been complaining, but i was using reverse psychology! i love the projects that you make and now i totally want a pair of those gloves, but not in green...maybe blue...
I wasn't complaining! It was meant differently...oh, forget it. I'm really tired and need to go home.
Um, again, no offense taken. if I am actually annoyed by something, I won't passive-aggresively hint about it on my blog. I was amused, I needed a title, and that is all there is to it.
Newborn kimono? Well, you just made it so I suppose it could only be newborn. . . Or did you mean something else? Something to go with that tepid baby's bath?
Um, both, I suppose. A little, bitty wrap sweater for a new baby made out of soft, cheap washcloth cotton.
The reason for the kimono, BTW, is that at least three people I know are expecting in the next few months, and I need gifts.
I'm just curious - what ever happened to candlewicking?
Sigh. That's what I get for making a grammar joke. . . newborn kimono= a kimono newly born. Tepid babies bath means the baby is, in fact, tepid and says nothing regarding the temperature of the bathwater.
However, as a saving grace for me, I do not speak one word of Klingon.
Yeah, yeah--we got the grammar joke. Just because we don't play along doesn't mean that we don't get it. :)
ok, so what was this about candlewicking? i am not sure i even know what the heck that is...
I figure it's either something awful that happens at least once per page in Japanese manga, or it's something to do with making candles. 50/50 either way. . .
(Since the grammar jokes are apparently too sophisticated. . . :) )
Ask SWMBO to sing you the candle wicking anthem sometime. Maybe it will help you understand :)
In the meantime:
Let me preface my awful thought by saying that I think its wonderful that you gave the first set of gloves to charity.
That being said, my first reaction was some poor freezing soul will be so thrilled to have a warm pair of gloves - until they discover that the gloves have NO FINGERS! Damn! Foiled again!
Seriously - I know I'm going to hell for this, but doesn't the mental image crack you up?
Well, if it's got nothing to do with manga or making candles, why the hell didn't they just call it embroidery?
This sort of meaning problem is what caused problems with curse words, you know.
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