I now emerge from the jungles of caring for a newborn (hey, I haven't been getting much sleep--allow me my tortured metaphors) to actually post and announce that at 12:23 PM on Friday, January 18, 2008, Matter-Eater Lad and I met our daughter, Veronica Rose:

who by now more often looks like this:

She was 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches.
More later, since I would rather this not turn into a blog that is entirely about another human being's intake and output, and right this second that is all I've got.
i don't usually say this but i lol'd... she looks so different! and adorable! and i get to meet her in eight days! which is far too long!
Awww. Congratulations!
ok, is it just me, or does that second face look a lot like dad?
A LOT like dad. And a bit like our baby pictures, too. There is definitely MEL there, too, midn you :)
Congratulations!! She's just SO adorable. You should post the picture where she's raising one eyebrow LOL!
i like this face though... i didn't know that was a REAL baby face that actual people could make!
and yeah, i keep seeing pictures and saying "she look so much like MEL/SWMBO"... some pictures are just so much like one or the other and some are such a combo, it is a little weird!
I've been perusing the pictures. Your baby girl has fabulous expressions. They make me laugh until my stomach hurts :D
The top picture looks fantastic. It must have been edited by a Photoshop genius ;)
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