Monday, March 31, 2008

Dear V.,

We are aware that it introducing a bottle some of the time we have messed with one of the central mainstays in your universe, namely your food source (other mainstays: pooping, farting, smiling, sometimes us). We therefore expect some upheaval. We also realize that since you only get a bottle some of the time it is probably confusing for you. However, it would be exciting if you decided for sure, finally, whether you like the bottle or not. Taking the bottle with no problems for your Dad one time while seriously screaming your head off when offered the bottle another time when you are certainly hungry is really getting old.



College Glassblower said...

that would be confusing... but the not choosing is also annoying...

Witty said...

So I seriously need some sleep because when I first skimmed this I thought the V was for Vika, so I assumed the bottle was wine. That was a tad confusing for a minute there...

Kate said...

Also, seriously, though, she has had a bottle part of the time since she was 5 weeks old. And she *mostly* has not problem with it. We can't figure out why occasionally she just flips out about it. Ah, well.

Vika said...

That's funny Witty, bc I thought the same thing at first glance! As if I would ever pass up a bottle of the yummy stuff lol!!