Monday, March 24, 2008


That is when my daughter woke me up this morning. And overnight. It is the first time she woke up after 11 PM last night. Now, those of you without infants may not think of that as a wonderful thing, but I went to bed at midnight and proceeded to have the longest stretch of uninterrupted sleep that I have had in over two months (since I am the food source, I pretty much always have to get up when she wakes in the night, although Matter-Eater Lad is at the ready for those non-food-related wakings). Pediatricians consider 5 hours of sleep to be sleeping through the night for an infant, which means that V slept through the night for the first time at 9 weeks--not bad at all! I am sure this won't continue and there will be nights when she wakes up four times or when she won't sleep at all, but *today* I am feeling obnoxiously chipper and well-rested.

(More non-baby stuff soon, I promise!)


Emma said...

Ugh! Too early. Glad you're coping though.

Kate said...

I did go back to sleep for another couple of hours before getting up to go to work. 5:19 is *much* too early to start the day!

College Glassblower said...

good for you kate! and it is understandeable that when you have a small child who takes up much of your time, that would be what you post about...

Grendel said...

Heh. Soon enough, she'll be keeping you up a different way, as you wait up for hours after curfew. :)

Or maybe she'll be well behaved, and you'll lie awake nights wondering what she's hiding. Lol.

(I am, of course, kidding.)

Vika said...

Congrats! I hope she's a good sleeper, some of them really are :)

College Glassblower said...

she is so laid back and such a sweetie, i am hoping she is a good sleeper! she seems like she will be...