I may, in fact, be 27 weeks pregnant.
Just possibly.
Either that or I have been eating way too much fudge and kielbasa.
Also, over the past three months, my friend P. has been giving me booties every time knitting group meets:

And my friend KK got in on the action last night, too:

Fudge and kielbasa? Isn't that kind of gross? I mean, fatty meat spread with chocolate? Yuck.
It's definitely disgusting. And I haven't eaten either one in perhaps years (although I do like them separately). But funny, yes?
Or maybe you think you're in a mentos commercial...
Oh. My.
Well, since I haven't yet started weaving, don't be expecting woven baby sox from me just yet, but we shall see :D
And congrats again :D
I totally don't get the Mentos reference.
neither do i... but yay for the picture! :)
That's an adorable picture, by the by. We thought about doing one of those expanding-belly-by-the-day montage/flipbook whatevers, but I kept falling asleep on the couch before the appointed picture time.
and if you were, in fact, 27 weeks pregnant, all of those booties would come in very handy...
I was originally planning to do a whole set of pictures, too, but was also too tired to follow through. This one may end up being the only one.
Congratulations! That's awesome news!
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