A not-very-well-composed picture of my Love in Idleness socks:

Matter-Eater Lad gave me this yarn for Christmas. The yarn is Socks that Rock Mid-weight, and the pattern is garter rib from Sensational Knitted Socks ("SKS"). SKS has some really great tips--get a load of the top of the gusset:

I also finished the Ruby Slippers Jaywalker socks after the nice woman at Blue Moon Fiber Arts sent me these:

mini-skeins. That's the Fire on the Mountain next to them for scale. I only used a teeny-tiny bit of one of the minis, which shows you just how bad my karma was two Mondays ago.
I like how this yarn works with the Jaywalker pattern:

so much that I am using the same pattern (with fewer repeats) for the Fire on the Mountain yarn.
Ooooh, and I also knit this:

I really love how it came out.
Wow, you've been busy! With all those gorgeous yarns, who can blame you though?
yes and you wer SO SUBTLE when HINTING to MEL as to what you wanted for christmas...
It wsn't a hint--he asked what I wanted and I told him straight out. There was no attempt to be subtle.
Just so you know, Jon has been looking covetously at my SWMBO scarves, so if you feel inspired, he would like one.
Nice socks :D Me, I'm thinking I need to actually get one of those home winemaking kits-if they are really good, then I know what I'll give EVERYONE next year :D
ahem. Home brewing or wine making is pretty easy. Just requires making sure everything is sterile. Wine making, however, requires not drinking your work for well over 6 months. Beer making is so much more quickly gratifying. . .
Yup, probably more like a year. That's why you make a batch, like, once a month, and then you have more then you can drink...by yourself...once they start coming ready :D Hello party!!
But we like wine better, we can always drink beer while making wine, to get in the spirit :D
Hey, if you were feeling, I dunno, like making socks for others, what measurements would you need precisely? Because I can get measurements out to you lickety-split :D
Speaking of hints . . . .
I need:
length from base of calf muscle to top of heel (where the ankle bends at the back)(both if they are different for all measurements)
ankle circumference both at thinnest part and around ankle bone
heel height (from bend in back of ankle to bottom of heel)
foot length from heel to toe
length from base of toes (starting with whichever toes starts first) to end of longest toe
foot circumference around widest part of ball of foot
Thank you :D
ok, for me all you need to do is make it the same size as the socks you gave me already, i think that means a little too short for you?...plus i was joking about the hinting, hence the capitalizations in key areas...
::snicker:: Hence. The people in our family read waaaayyy too much, 'cause when you use language like that (and all of us do) it's a sign that our brains are overloaded with vocabulary :D
And is anyone else randomly amused by the picture of SWMBO from mid-calf down? Obviously a self-portrait, and a good shot of the socks, but for some reason it's striking me as funny. Yes, today I have too much time on my hands.
Actually, what amusing is that you could probably start a betting pool as to when said images show up completely out of context at a website of, umm, questionable character. . .
(I've got 3 weeks from posting)
I say 13 days. We'll have to start looking for them on said sites. Hmmmmm. All in the name of science!
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