Thursday, September 07, 2006

Airport security

Now, I am going to refrain from much comment on the state of airport security beyond the fact that if I could do something to the plane with water bought after going through security (which you are required to dispose of before boarding the plane), I could probably think of a way to use the water ON the plane for the same purpose (let me also state that I have no idea what I would be able to do with either one). Oh, and also the fact that at Philadelphia International airport at the beginning of the summer they didn't even notice that I was flying on an expired license (the fact *had* been noted on my flight to Philly), while at the end of summer--after the most recent bust regarding liquids--THEY DID NOT CHECK MY ID OR ANYONE ELSE'S IN THE STANDARD SECURITY LINE AT ANY POINT. There was someone checking the first class/international line, but not the standard line. They ran my bag through three times and asked about liquids, but they never checked to see that I was who I said I was.

Oh, and this really entertains me.


Anonymous said...

Mike (of course) picked up on this right away. I'd love to have heard the conversation that decided what got included and what didn't. Do you think Larry Flynt was on the panel?

Grendel said...

Well, I suppose the particular "liquid" in question might decrease likelihood of terrorism. I mean, if everyone on board is happy and sleepy. . .

Anonymous said...

Dude, my last name on my passport is my maiden I had blonde hair int he picture. Now I have dark hair and a differnet name on my ticket and they never notice.