Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I am not in charge here.

Last night Matter-Eater Lad was reading in the recliner and I was stretched out on the sofa while V puttered around playing. She was happy to amuse herself, and we were happy to let her do so. Then she found a little frog prince finger puppet she likes--not even something we have played with a lot lately. She picked it up, toddled over to me, straightened one of my fingers, and put the finger puppet on my finger.

I guess she wanted to play with the finger puppet.


College Glassblower said...

oh watching her grow up is going to be SO MUCH FUN if only to watch how she deals with you guys...

M.C. Vaughan said...

Yeah, it's funny how we *think* we're going to be the ones in charge, and then find out that we are at the tender mercies of little people.