(You didn't think I would really keep it, scan it, and post about it, did you?)
******Updated to add:
I am not saying that the grocery store isn't close the house, by the way. It was not very far. It is just that any directions with this many turns do not point to a destination that is "literally" right around the corner. Am I nit-picking? Why, yes I am.
I didn't, but remember that paybacks are a bitch ;)
Well, of course. I fully expect it. :)
The real question is why would you go to ACME? None of their stuff every works right.
Though, really, if the map worked to get there, it should work to get back, just do the opposite that you did to get there.
But if you don't have street names, and the streets are not clearly the same ones going back, that is a problem. A curve in the road that is obvious from one direction can be invisible from the other, for example, which was the case here. Hills and all. Oh, and not all of the criss streets are on the map, so it is not just a case of counting intersections or some such.
with TWO OF US IN THE CAR we couldn't get back without help...
"Criss" streets?
How. . . mind freaky.
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