Thursday, November 16, 2006

And now for something completely different

Enough politics for now. I haven't posted any pictures in a while, so a quick update.

I have been busy with many knitting projects, most of which can't be posted here until after Christmas. I did finish the shawl for my sister's wedding, though:

(My coworker models--I am not sure if my sister wants pictures of herself on my blog)

Here is the shawl with the main section blocked but before I blocked the edging--an amazing difference, eh?:

Here it is blocking on my favorite blocking device, kid's alphabet mats:

Here is a closer look:

And even closer:

The yarn is Alchemy Silken Straw in Winkie's Blue, which is actually a ribbon yarn. The yarn was chosen more for color and sheen than gauge or type, and I designed the shawl to fit the yarn. My sister had a celtic-knot sort of theme going on at the wedding, so I modified celtic knots and celtic keys for the pattern, with a transition from the central motif (which is almost all knots) to the edging (which is all keys). Sis also asked for a rectangular shawl, since she felt that would be easier to wear both at the wedding and at other times. Her wedding colors were deep blue and purple, but you just try to find those colors in early summer (which is when we had to shop for the yarn) not in cotton or mohair (mohair is not a good idea when one is wearing a white dress). We ended up with Winkie's Blue because it is a lovely color that looks like purple or blue depended upon the light. Of course, now the same yarn comes in Dream, which is deep purple. Ah, well.


Anonymous said...

i just realized...i do not think i saw the shawl at all the day of the wedding...i am glas you posted pics ao i could see it! i didn't think that it would have changed in color that much...

Anonymous said...

The shawl was absolutely beautiful - and very useful since it was a little brisk that day! I'm actually glad that the purple wasn't available because the blue was so pretty.

Unknown said...

I have no authority upon which I may stake this comment, but that shawl is so awesome it could be in a Jerry Bruckheimer movie (if explosions and fast cars were shawls, that is). It looks fantastic.

Anonymous said...

and the random monty python reference goes almost completely unnoticed...