Monday, November 10, 2008

I can't be the only one who keeps having this thought.

Obama won, guys. *The election is over*. I know it has been almost a week, but it still seems unreal.


College Glassblower said...

yes yes it is... and i am glad he won. and the people who keep complaining and wanting to move to canada, which is mostly a pro-obama state, should shut up and do it or shut up and deal. obama won. he will probably do a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

YAAAYYYY! Oh yes, I'm still a little shocked, but in one of those really good ways :) I love how people are STILL wearing Obama paraphernalia. When was the last time you saw that AFTER an election?

College Glassblower said...

i don't know but there is a ridiculous amount of it still being worn around campus...