Many things about living in Minnesota amuse me. Most recently, I am amused that this morning (18 degrees F when I left the house) the weatherman told me that it would flurry later today (right now, in fact) because a cold front would be coming through. What other reaction could I have? When one moves to Minnesota, one becomes zen about the cold.
Indeed, a much colder front is coming through--it is unlikely that temperatures will rise above 0 degrees F on Friday or Saturday, and Sunday and Monday will not be much warmer.
That's really darn cold. I predict that this weekend will be filled with reading, knitting and hot tea, inside. Also possibly some yoga. These are the best ways in which to enjoy such weather, in my opinion. Of course, the bike-riding guy will probably be out on the lake, but I am not quite that hearty.
but reading and yoga and hot tea and knitting are a good way to spend ANY day in most weather...
Yay! Highs of -5. I'm going for a walk. Although not a bike ride. Wind chill, you know.
Mmmm...yoga. I also recommend some mulled cider or wine if your tastebuds like it. If it was also 80% humidity out, you'd be living in St. Petersburg!
So, do you get those creepy-but-yet-also-beautiful nuclear winter like clouds of frozen ice crystals that leave a coating of frost on everything they touch in MN? I thought those were kind of neat.
In other news DC is also cold, and I've become such a pansy that I've resorted to seriously bundling up in 20 degree weather. Thanks for the scarves :)
Oh, and ice sculpture. Yeah. That can be fun...but only if you have REALLY nice gloves.
The humidity also gets higher than you would expcet here when it is this cold. It was -1 when I left for work this morning, and the dew point was -4, so the relative humidity was about 68%, down by almost 20% from when I woke up in the morning. The result was that everything was coated with large, flat ice crystals when I went outside this morning. Also, when it snowed yesterday it was so cold that the snow hovered in many places, probably quite a bit like St. Petersburg. Snow when it is this cold is quite sparkly--it is really dry, but with the humidity and temps where they are, the crystals are actually larger than you would expect, but very flat. They refract light beautifully.
I may have to go to therapy or confession or something after this, but didn't you, like, miss an activity in there? Maybe thats where the yoga comes in handy.
I now revert back to my previous position of not discussing these things with sisters...
*Insert obligatory joke of at best questionable taste here*
Wasn't that assumed (both Whit's point and Grendel's joke)?
Depends on what you were planning on knitting. . .
/obscure? :)
Odd jokes notwithstanding, it seems to me that reading, tea, and knitting are a great way to spend any day--warm or cold. Provided, of course, that the tea is good and one can knit. In the absence of the latter provision, tea alone will suffice.
::actively snickering:: well, yes, but there are indeed other activities which keep one warm...well, usually two...ahem.
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