So, I didn't take down my Christmas tree last weekend. I was planning to do it this weekend. It didn't seem all that urgent--it is an artificial tree, after all.
I need to stress that we do not have any pets. Nor do we have any children.
On Wednesday night Matter-Eater Lad and I arrived home to find the tree on its side. I didn't get any pictures of it in that state, because I was far more worried about our ornaments, particularly the ornaments that my parents gave us as a wedding present. Amazingly, very few of the ornaments broke, and almost none of the wedding-present ornaments were affected.
Here is what the floor looked like after we lifted the tree up:

We took off all of the remaining ornaments right away, which meant that they got piled on the table where I had been winding yarn:

We got a set of bride's ornaments from someone other than my parents, and a few of those broke. Also, the bride and groom my aunt gave us for Christmas that year were on the bottom of the fallen tree, and they didn't survive:

The church my parents gave us just needs a tiny bit of roof work:

The egg my mom painted for me when I was little smashed a bit, but on the plain bottom, so that can probably be salvaged:

That was really the extent of the damage.
Amazingly, quite a few glass ornaments from the bottom of the tree survived:

The garlic survived--now I know what Superman was protecting it from:

Superman was the only ornament that went flying--he was across the room on the opposite side of the tree.
I have learned a few things:
1) Always anchor your tree to the wall;
2) Mercury-glass type ornaments are much more fragile than other types of glasses ornaments;
3) Always take your tree down by the Epiphany.