Monday, March 12, 2007

Chapter 42: In which She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed is gratified to not have acted on her first impulse.

Last week sometime I was riding the Light Rail to work, headphones on and knitting away, when a nicely-dressed middle-aged woman grinned pleasantly, leaned in and said something to me on the way to the door for her stop.

She said, "There are three *******s on the train."

Now, what *I* heard through my music was an ethnic slur beginning with the letter "n" and rhyming with "chiggers." I was *so shocked* by the fact that it appeared this woman had just offhandedly slurred half the people on the train (Minneapolis is more multi-racial than one would think, and we had just passed the stop in the Somali neighborhood) that I just stared at her for a second, slack-jawed, before pulling myself together enough to say "excuse me?" as neutrally as possible, all the while readying a response.

She repeated herself and elaborated:

"There are three knitters on the train. *I* was knitting, and that woman (pointing) is knitting, and you are knitting."


I made about 30 seconds of polite conversation before she got off at her stop. I hope it was polite, at least--I have no idea what I said. I was *so close* to telling that poor woman off, and she was just trying to say something nice about knitting.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! that is both highly amuising and somewhat disturbing at the same time!

Anonymous said...

And Mary calls me a loser with my mild obsession for clothes that make a somewhat larger woman look good. Humph.

Though that sounds almost like it could have linked to an open letter to ER...which would be very amusing indeed :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

but tors, i am lovingly calling you a loser...this is what siblings do! you are worse than the paternal unit!

College Glassblower said...

you know i was just kidding when i called you a loser right?

Anonymous said...

yah...I know :D

Oh, Whit, I was referring to my comment from the previous post...sorry for the confusion :D

Anonymous said...

On another note, we must all congratulate SWMBO on her restraint in that particular situation. We know how difficult it was for her to keep that calm veneer :D

Anonymous said...

I think from now on all your posts should be footnoted to avoid confusion!

Anonymous said... can do footnotes in blog comments? Whoa.

Grendel said...


:) South Park is quickly becoming my answer for all social and political problems.

Anonymous said...

It makes me crack up laughing every time I read that line "Oh, KNITTERS"...bc I can see the whole thing in my head.

Anonymous said...

Grendel - Do you blame Canada?

Grendel said...

Yes. Yes I do. With their beady little eyes and flapping heads. . Mostly the French Canadians. Cheese eating surrender monkeys. . . On the other hand, at least Canada wasn't founded by a bunch of prigs so self righteous even the rest of the British couldn't stand them. . . :)

College Glassblower said...

BLAME CANADA! hehehe...totally with you there grendel...

Grendel said...

You know, maybe the title of this post should be "Knitter, please. . ."

(that's end. I'm going to hell.)

College Glassblower said...

yes, well, if you are going to hell, so are we all... but at least we will go laughing!

Anonymous said...

Does it seem to anyone else that knitting takes up an awful lot of SWMBO's time recently?

College Glassblower said...

think about who you are talking about tori... of COURSE it does...