Thursday, March 15, 2007

Also, a note to my sister.

Um, Tori? You don't get to hint (I first wrote kint, which is how I will refer to hinting about knitting from now on) about wanting random knitted gifts when very soon I will design and knit your wedding veil, a project that makes veteran knitters blanch and stammer.

That is all.

*****Edited to add*****

This is a joke. Kinting is not a problem and is, in fact, rather amusing.


Anonymous said...

I knew that was coming as soon as I hit 'publish'. We all make mistakes, okay?


Kate said...

You know I am kidding, right?

College Glassblower said...

um, i think i am the one who was kinting.... but not really i was thinking if i could make them what color i would make them, i am more of a blue person than a green person, but you like green more!

Anonymous said...

I know all you guys. If you were serious I'd start getting phone calls from mom hinting that there was something we needed to discuss or something. I really was tired and needed to go home, and then spent a blissful weekend away from the computer.

Ah. Not long enough, though.

Besides, I have full confidence in your knit-lacing abilities :D

Anonymous said...

I meant lace-knitting, I'm sure you got the idea:D

Rabbitch said...

you are kinting a weeding vale?


I fling myself at your feet in worship. Unless you have hand-knitted socks on and then I fling myself at your feet with intent to pillage.

Anonymous said...

Weeding Vale? Can one actually KNIT a landscape feature with an unfortunate tendency toward illicit plants and/or too many unwanted plants?

Witty said...

Tori - dude - sarcastic critisism should be limited to family members...and Grendel


Anonymous said...

Oops-sorry, missed that day in 'blogger etiquette'...from now one I will only make cutting remarks to people who are either related to me by blood or have proven that they can dish it as well as they can take it...or both. :D

I was also reading too many of the 'Go Fug Yourself' archives that day and was infected by fuggerness.

Anonymous said...

But I am intrigued by the idea of a veil featuring ...ahem...a 'hemp' themed pattern :D-why do I have this sneaking suspicion it's been done before?

Grendel said...

Weed? Where?

On another note, I suppose a hemp wedding dress might bring a new meaning to the phrase "smoking hot" bride. . .

/on the left hand side please.

Anonymous said...


I'm writing to the ladies in WA RIGHT NOW to see if they can do that :DD

Witty said...

You realize that if you had such a dress that the temptation would be absolutely overwhelming to light you on fire. That would destroy the lovely veil that SWMBO knitted. Which means that you'll have to deal with severe burns, and the wrath of a woman with long pointy sticks. Not sure which of them would be worse.

On the other hand, your guests will be mellow, although very, very hungry. Hope you were planning on serving cookie dough ice cream for dessert.

Anonymous said...

hm. cookie dough. That's a thought :D

College Glassblower said...

yeah, i would be more scared of the woman with the sticks, but that is just me...

Anonymous said...

"Crazed Woman On Bus Slips a Stitch, Stabs One..."

Grendel said...

Perls (sp?) two?

Witty said...


College Glassblower said...

purls... and you know she could go completely postal at any time... knitters are notoriously unstable!

Anonymous said...

Ya, she might use your tendons to make a hat.

Ew...that image even sort of creeps ME out.

Grendel said...


*wipes tear from eye*

Tendon hat. . .

*falls back into gales of laughter*

Vika said...

Wait..wait for it: Imagine the scene: SWMBO on the bus or light rail, having just eviscerated the 'oh, KNITTERS' woman with her knitting needles and smeared blood on her face like warpaint, then systematically sorting out the bits for knittable vs. non-knittable material.

Why have my postings been so violent of late? Hm. Maybe I need a massage.

Grendel said...

I wonder why there hasn't been a movie about zombie knitters?

"Arrrrggggghhhh Braaaaaiiinnnssss and yaaaaarrrrrn. . . "

Vika said...

Dude, I'm at work. I'm not ACTUALLY supposed to be rolling around on the floor of my office laughing and mumbling incoherently about knitter zombies

But I almost just did that :DD

Witty said...

OMG I just pulled a muscle laughing. It hurts to laugh hard yet silent...

College Glassblower said...

you people have PROBLEMS! and if they weren't so damn funny... i LAUGH AT YOU ALL!

Vika said...

just wait glassblower lady, until you are at a job where you're stuck at a computer for long periods. I hope you never see the day, but if you do, then you'll understand the Silent Laugh :D

Grendel said...

Continuing with the nonsense. . .

Silent Laugh: Sounds like some sort of hopelessly emo superhero. . . Superpowers: Hair Flip of Depression. Able to demoralize the happiest villian by tossing his hair out his eyes, while sulking.

College Glassblower said...

um, i already augh silently... that is not what i was talking about...

Vika said...

Oh, Grendel, you are making my day today :D

Grendel said...

Thank you! I am here all week! Tip your waitstaff! Good night!